The president of our company has a DashTrac on his son’s car. The child KNOWS it’s on his car and he STILL does stupid things! Kids amaze me.
One evening last week he told his parents he had a meeting at work, so he needed to go to the mall (where he works) for this very important, mandatory employee meeting. He assured his parents it would probably last an hour, which meant he was scheduled to be home at about 9:30pm.
This kills me. At 9:30 he calls his sister’s cell. “Tell Mom and Dad my meeting is gonna run late. There’s nothing I can do about it.” OK folks, let me repeat that he KNOWS the DashTrac GPS tracking device is on his car.
Then he commenced to leave the mall, in his car, with the tracking device – and head to the local bar district. All the while his Dad was watching the entire maneuver via home computer.
Nobody is immune. Everyone with a teenager lives with a terrorist version of someone that they love very much.