From the time your child was born, chances are they existed within a fairly supervised
environment. Right up until the time they got their wheels. And so began their voyage
into the outside world - beyond your direct supervision – equipped with the largest,
fastest, most dangerous “toy” imaginable. The automobile.
Truth is, kids need guidance and direction throughout their teen years more than
ever. Simply getting a driver's license doesn't mean they will know and do everything
required to keep themselves safe. On the contrary.
Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers . When society combines freedom from supervision with a ton or more of metal, adds speed and a feeling of immunity -
the result is often a recipe for disaster.
Thousands of our children have died at the wheel because of one simple factor:
Their behavior was anonymous
Kids could drive any way they wanted as long as their parents or law enforcement weren't around. The chief way to keep our kids safe and reduce teen driving fatalities is by giving parents the tools to know the driving behavior of their teen. Period. 55 percent of teens said they exceed the speed limit by more than 10 mph.
Fast starts, hard braking, speeding…
DashTrac is a way for you to know how your teen is driving. Inexpensive and easy-to-install, DashTrac is a highly effective driver monitoring tool that discreetly fits under the dashboard,
snugly into the vehicle’s OBD port. It’s about half the size of a business card.
Once powered up, DashTrac allows parents to know immediately when their teen driver is performing in a risky and irresponsible manner, right from their laptop - with GPS accuracy.
With DashTracyour kid’s driving behavior is no longer anonymous. You get the peace of mind of knowing exactly where they are and how they are behaving. Now you can take any corrective action required to ensure they drive safely
After all. You really do need a little rest.
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