Is driving a right or a privilege?


First, let’s look at this literally. In some states, a 14 year-old can legally take a 4000 pound killing machine out on an open highway with little or no supervision.

It should be no surprise that the correlation between legal driving age, graduated driver licensing laws, and the teenage driving fatality rate in each state is staggering. In some states, all you have to do is pass a simple (5th grade reading level!) test, navigate around some construction cones, and POOF! You have the RIGHT to drive.

Unfortunately you also have the right to die young.

Are Teenagers Too Stupid to Drive?


Apparently it is not a matter of intelligence when a teen is behind the wheel but the actual development of their brain at such a young age.  In this article The Teenage Brain they show visual proof of how a human brain doesn't fully evolve until its early 20's. 

What does that say about how our teens drive?

Do girls speed more than boys?

Everyone knows that teenage girls are more careful than boys when it comes to driving, right?

Wrong. A recent survey revealed that girls are now driving more aggressively. According to Allstate Insurance Co., 48% of female teenage drivers revealed that they are likely to drive 10 mph over the speed limit. On the other hand, only 36% of teenage boys admitted to speeding.

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