Parents and Peace of Mind

What a misnomer, right?

For most parents, the hardest part of having a teenager old enough to drive is allowing them to drive on their own. Are they ready? Or bigger question…Are Mom and Dad ready?

Yes, they have had a year of supervised driving and are showing all the outward signs of a responsible driver, but some parents just can’t hand the keys over. Is there a way to give teens freedom of the open road while allowing parents to have some “backseat driver” control?

Absolutely! Now with GPS technology, parents get the peace of mind they need and teens get the opportunity to hit the road without mom and dad riding shot-gun. One product that many families are utilizing is called DashTrac. DashTrac is a small GPS tracking device that simply plugs into the OBDII port (located under most steering wheels). The web based interface makes it simple to track the vehicle in real time. Aside from simply knowing where vehicle is, DashTrac aids in monitoring safe driving habits by holding teens accountable for their driving actions. And that's not all!

Basic tracking, true speed, speed alerts, geofence alerts (set when the vehicle enters a pre-determined location ), history reports (breadcrumb trails) and even routine maintenance alerts are all at parent's finger tips. DashTrac is one of those products parents just can’t live without!

Are Lead Foot Drivers Killing Your Gas Mileage?

Anyone with service vehicles in the field every day probably gets that nagging feeling in their gut as soon as vehicles hit pavement. It’s a lot like the feeling you get when your teenager gets behind the wheel. While you may trust your drivers and hopefully have proper insurance (just in case)....

How do you know your drivers are behaving in a safe and responsible manner?

DashTrac can help! DashTrac is a small discreet tracking device that simply plugs into the vehicle's OBDII port. (Under the driver’s side dashboard).Once activated, you’re tracking within minutes. Start with simply tracking your vehicle and expand to maintenance alerts and much more.

Aside from simply knowing where vehicles are at any given time, DashTrac aids in monitoring safe driving habits. Excessive speed causes undue wear & tear, puts all drivers at risk, and literally kills your gas mileage.

Who can afford that at today’s prices?

Fact is; a monitored driver is a safer driver. Lower your exposure to speeding violations and use documented driving behavior as a coaching tool. DashTrac shows:

• True Speeds

• Hard Stops

• Jackrabbit Starts

• Heartbeat (When ignition is off, DashTrac will report daily with a heartbeat from the device to inform users of its operational status and location.)

And that’s not all! DashTrac also provides customized reports, alerts, maintenance updates, history reports (breadcrumb trail). A small, yet powerful tool that identifies drivers who may have a lead foot AND so much more!

Distracted Driving?

Teens are known to be distracted BY EVERYTHNG. The radio, cell phones, dropping a cigarette, putting on make-up, fixing their hair, texting, cute member of the opposite sex walking down the sidewalk, chickens...

And there's the occasional bee flying in the car window. I remember that one myself. After 40 years of trying to convince him, my dad still doesn't believe I drove into a field because of a bee.

Truth is, nothing can keep teens from being distracted except physically riding in the car next to them - and even then, they'll tell you that YOU are distracting.

The next best step is knowing where they are, and paying attention to their overall driving behavior. You can coach behaviors that are risky and provide positive reinforcement when rules are followed.

DashTrac helps. Check out

Precious cargo coming thru...


As parents we have all wished at one point or another, that we could embed a GPS tracking device into our kids so we can track their every move. Each morning we help get the ready for school and in most cases rush them to the bus stop with a few seconds to spare (if we are lucky). The bus pulls up and off they go...but who is tracking the bus? Actsoft, inc. combines GPS and wireless technology that enables schools to know where buses are at all times.

Transporting out most precious cargo to and from school requires an amazing feat of logistics with plenty of challenges.

However, with Actsoft's technology those resources can be managed with ease:

  • On board sensors monitor safety compliance

  • Interfaces with established routing systems

  • RFID capabilities captures rider attendance

  • Meets bell times with ease

  • Sends weather or safety alerts to all buses at once

  • Monitors "planned vs. actual" routes driven

With Actsoft, buses in the field, employees in the office and parents can gain peace of mind when asking the question "Where exactly is that bus?"

Vacation for Mom and Dad...but what about the kids?


So you and your spouse are finally getting that vacation that you deserve. Bags are packed, tickets are printed everything is ready to go. The only thing left to do is get a good night's sleep so you can hit the road early the next morning. soon as you close your eyes that overwhelming sense of nervousness comes over you. Will the kids behave while you are gone? Of course you have gone over the house rules 100's of times with your teenager, but how will you really ever know if they abide by their curfew? Because they promise to be good? Unfortunately, that just may not be enough to put your minds at ease. Did they get home on time, or are they out and about driving around until all hours of the night? Yes, you trust them, but wouldn't it be easier to relax if you knew they were safe and sound at home when the clock strikes curfew time? But how can you know for sure? If you could only track them? DashTrac is a gps tracking device for vehicles and can tell you not only what time your teen got home, but also where they have been. Just plug the small device in the car's OBD port (under steering wheel) and let the good times of YOUR vacation roll without the worry of where your teenager is. The user friendly interface makes it simple to log in, check on the kids, and get back to vacation time!
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